Seine Net Loft Rehabilitation
Client: City of Richmond
Location: Richmond, BC
Program: Cultural. Community. Heritage
Photography: Clayton Perry Photography and Michael Elkan Architectural Photography
The Seine Net Loft restoration project is part of an ongoing master plan at the Britannia Heritage Shipyards that aims to ensure the continued relevance of this historical site. The intensive renovation work involved seismic upgrades to the existing heavy-timber superstructure which supports the net loft building and the wharf floor below. As part of the project, the building was re-programmed as a public space, requiring strategic addition of modern fire and life safety conveniences while retaining the heritage character of the old net loft. When the net loft is not rented for private functions and annual festivals, it acts as a flexible open-concept historic exhibition space with ample circulation to accommodate the addition of new interpretive displays by local works and larger traveling exhibits.